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‘Especially’ good win at spelling bee

West Lynn came top in this year’s West Norfolk Academies Trust Primaries Spelling Bee, when one of our Year 4 children won first place in the competition.

Nine-year-old Hattie Dodes-Hall successfully spelled ‘especially’ to pip her opponents to the post in the contest, which was being held at Clenchwarton Primary and featured 18 Key Stage 2 children who had made their way through two in-school rounds to reach the final.

Other WNAT schools taking part in the competition included Gaywood Primary, Heacham Junior, Snettisham Primary, and Walpole Cross Keys Primary.

The event was led by Amanda Wright, English Lead at Smithdon High School (also part of WNAT), who dressed as a bee for the occasion, and challenged the competitors with tricky words such as  ‘miscellaneous’, ‘acquaintance’ and ‘questionnaire’.

Neil Mindham, Headteacher at Gaywood, presented the prizes, with each finalist receiving a certificate and large bar of chocolate, while Hattie was awarded a Kindle Fire.

“The Spelling Bee is important, as it helps pupils to develop a profound understanding of English language and improve their vocabulary,” said Emma Hunt, who is Deputy Headteacher and Primary English Lead at Heacham and Snettisham, and oversaw the event.

“It is not about merely memorising spellings – it develops skills in planning and preparation.

“The aim of these events is to boost confidence, provide opportunities for our pupils to interact and socialise with peers from other schools across the Trust, to provide pupils with a range of new skills, and, most importantly, to have fun.”